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We have an ongoing commitment to compliance at Instant Homecare.

As a part of our conditions of registration to provide personal care to individuals we must ensure that we are compliant with UK government legislation and Care Quality Commission regulations and standards.

The Care Quality Commission are the independent regulator of Health and Social Care in England. The Care Quality Commission register, monitor, inspect and regulate services ensuring that individuals are provided care that is safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led. The CQC ensure that services meet fundamental standards of quality and safety. People who are not happy with the care service they receive are able to contact the CQC independently to discuss their concerns and can rest assured that the CQC will follow up any issues with the provider. The CQC will publish reports of their inspections and will issue the provider with a rating that the provider must publically display. All this information and more can be found on the CQC’s website.

You can contact or find information from the CQC in the following ways;

Tel: 03000 616161



We welcome regulation by the Care Quality Commission as we believe that this will ensure an open, transparent service, committed to improvement and providing the best possible care for the individuals and families that use our service and the best work culture and environment for our staff.

Regular audits will take place to ensure compliance of standards and legislation and a commitment to delivering quality person-centred care. We will be inspected periodically by the CQC to ensure that we are meeting standards and providing quality care. The results will be published to the public on the CQC website.

We have a Quality System in place, designed and created by people experienced in health and social care that produce our policies and procedures according to current legislation, regulations and standards for all staff and management to follow. All staff will have access to the system and all our policies and procedures. We are notified of any changes in policies and procedures due to changes in legislation, standards and best practice. Any updates will be communicated swiftly to staff and any training needs that are identified will be carried out swiftly to ensure best practice.

We will comply to General Data Protection Regulations and have policies and procedures in place. Only necessary information will be gathered from you, with consent in order to provide you with a quality service specific to the individual’s own needs, wishes and preferences. Information will be stored and transferred safely and securely and only shared with other parties on a need to know basis with consent from the individual, unless in the event of a medical emergency, where the sharing of vital information would be considered as necessary, only in the best interest of the individual.